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Emotional Intelligence

the skill  that creates

star performers & build incredible teams

for incredible results 

The world is constantly adapting and while technology is an integral part of every business strategy - emotional intelligence skills will enhance you value as an individual, team member and asset to the business.  Emotional intelligence, sometimes referred to as EQ, refers to a person's ability to recognize, understand, manage, and reason with emotions. It is a critical ability when it comes to interpersonal communication—a hot topic not only in psychology but in the business world.

Emotional intelligence is the key to workplace success:


  • Emotional intelligence leads to better business decision-making.

  • Emotionally intelligent employees are more likely to keep their cool under pressure.

  • Those with high Emotional Intelligence are better at resolving conflicts and managing their anger.

  • Emotionally intelligent leaders tend to have greater empathy

  • Employees with high Emotional Intelligence are more likely to listen, reflect, and respond to constructive criticism.

  • It directly impacts on your social skills and self esteem.

  • People who have a strong Emotional Intelligence tend to be more motivated to achieve goals for their own sake.


  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Self Awareness

Relationship with Self

  • Building Self-Esteem and Assertiveness Skills.

  • Stress Management

  • Stress Relief and Stress Reduction.

  • Anger Management

Relationship with Others

  • Conflict Resolution - Getting along in the Workplace.

  • Dealing with Difficult People

  • Office Ethics and You

Workshops vary from 1 up to 4 days maximum. Courses can be combined and customized to meet your organizations standards and policies.

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